Racing Rules

Rules and Regulations
  1. The racing range of Taiwan Birdathon 2017 is limited to the administrative areas of Yunlin County, Chiayi County and Tainan City.
  2. All teams must participate in the entire event, including the opening and closing ceremonies. All teams should retain the same team members throughout the race and must return the observation record and hand in ten team photos of the activity at the selected finishing venue by 10:30 on October 29, 2017.
  3. The race record will be kept in a Pad which comes with a built-in database and application (with Wify) provided by the co-organizer, Taiwan Endemic Species Research Institute. All teams should attend the introduction sessions and must return the Pad with observation records by 10:30 on October 29, 2017 to complete the competition. ※ Late submissions will be disqualified.
  4. Recorded bird species and totals will be judged according to the Checklist of Birds of Taiwan, 2017 published by Chinese Wild Bird Federation. Alien species that are seen will also be placed on the record. In the event of any discrepancies or querries, judges are eligible to ask teams to provide additional information such as record location, habitat or photos. Judges have the right to decide whether or not to accept the record. The judge’s decision is final and all teams are required to respect such decisions.
  5. Each bird can only be placed on the record when it is seen or heard at the same time by more than three members of a team. Please ensure the upmost integrity is used during the race. (For the bird species are only heard, please mark as “heard” on the observation record in your Pad.) 
  6. Photos, audio or video records should be provided as evidence when unusual birds are seen or heard during the race. Please ensure that birds should not be disturbed under any circumstances. (Feeding and play back are strictly prohibited. Any team found in violation will be disqualified.)
  7. For nighttime observations, please carry flashlights, be mindful of your safety and be aware of snakes. To avoid disturbance to wildlife, please do not shine lights on wildlife for long periods of time.
  8. All teams should be mindful of their safety. Do not enter areas where the road condition does not allow it. Drive carefully in mountain areas, as the weather can be foggy and roads have many sharp turns and bends. (If you drive on the Alisan Highway, please pay close attention to traffic control information. You can contact the Fifth Maintenance Office, Directorate Grneral of Highways, M.O.T.C on 05-2592427 for further information.)