View taiwan birdathon 2012 -tainan in a larger map
Beimen Wetland、Cigu Wetland、Sihcao Wetland、Xinhua Timberland、Guanziling、Fuyou Temple(Xiangong Temple)、Zengwen Reservoir Scenic spot |

Tainan City is located at southwestern part of Taiwan. Western Tainan is in the central part of the Chiayi and Tainan Plain, the largest plain of Taiwan. The Tainan City is bounded by the Central Mountains Range in the east, the Taiwan Straight in the west, Kaohsiung City in the south, and the Chiayi County and City in the north.
The mild tropical weather is suitable for agriculture. Tainan is a major vegetable production area of Taiwan. The most products are bamboo shoots and honeydew melon. It is also a major production area of orchid flowers. Many local foods and dishes are well known in Taiwan. Chinese grape-fruit of Madou Dist., pine-apple of Guanmiao Dist., lotus root of Baihe Dist., Mango of Yujing Dist., water chestnut of Guantian Dist., Dan-a noodle, coffin bread, eel noodle, shrimp ball, and taro cake are just few examples.
Tainan City was the landing place of Dutch and early Chinese immigrants. There are many monuments and historic buildings that represent the humanities of Tainan. Anping Fort ( Old Fort Zeelandia ), Eternal Golden Castle, Confucian Temple, Chihkan Tower(Old Fort Provintia), Wufei Temple(Temple of the Five Concubines) are first class national historic monuments. Kaiyuan Temple and Tainan Local Court are second class historic monuments. Anping Minor Artillery Fort, Great East Gate, Great South Gate, and Anping Cultural Village are few examples of the third class historic monuments.
There are many mangrove forests and salt fields in Taiwan. Sandpipers, plovers, gulls, terns, ducks, and geese are commonly seen in wetlands. Egrets and Herons are commonly seen nesting in the coast wind-breaking forests. Bitterns, magpies, and kingfishers are commonly seen on marshes. The wintering Black-faced Spoonbill at the estuary mudflat of the Zengwen River Estuary is the world largest wintering population. The whiskered tern can be seen best at the lagoons west of the Jingzijiao, Beimen District, Tainan.
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Birding Hotspot
北門濕地 |
Water Birds |
Tainan市北門區 | ||
23°16'17"N , 120°06'27"E | ||
General description
北門濕地位於急水溪出海口,北起急水溪北岸堤防,南至將軍溪口北側,東至五王大橋及省道台17公路 (包括東邊的舊鹽田),西側海域至等深線6公尺處,包含北門潟湖、北門港沙洲;北門交流道附近部分鹽灘為未定範圍。 北門潟湖從北門海埔新生地延伸到馬沙溝,介於王爺港汕、青山港汕與內陸之間,長約6公里,寬約2公里,是倒風內海僅存的殘跡,因溼地堆積作用旺盛,所以此處蘊含豐富的生態與水產資源,產量不少的野生蚵、赤嘴仔、蝦蟹與文蛤等,這片魚產豐盛的潮間帶,自然就成為北門地區民眾設定置網與捕捉海產的最佳天然漁場,北門潟湖緊臨井仔腳瓦盤鹽田,人為破壞較少,仍保有原有的風光,是一處非常美麗而少有的溼地,景色一日數變,尤其是欣賞落日的最佳景點之一。 |
Birding Highlights
為高蹺鴴、反嘴鴴及雁鴨的重要度冬區;高蹺鴴、東方環頸鴴在鹽田繁殖已有80年以上的歷史;保育類動物有唐白鷺、黑面琵鷺、魚鷹、松雀鷹、灰面鷲、遊隼、紅隼、小燕鷗、紅尾伯勞…等。 屬於冬候鳥的黑腹燕鷗每年的10月初隔年4月底都是觀賞的最佳時間,據當地居民表示,11到12月時黑腹燕鷗的黃昏之舞會提早在下午4-5點間進行,最佳觀賞地點在Tainan市北門區1號水門附近。 |
Birding season
每年十月~隔年四月左右 | ||
1. 國道1號中山高下【新營交流道】,往鹽水方向(縣172)經台19往學甲方向,(縣171)再往北門接西濱台17; 2. 國道1號中山高下【麻豆交流道】,(縣176)往佳里方向,前往七股西濱台17線; ※ 在西濱道路台17線上約143.5公里看見泰安宮牌坊,北上左轉或南下右轉直駛(南10)進入永華村(附近即可見到道路指標),看見泰安宮廟後行駛左側道路到底,即可見瓦盤鹽田。瓦盤鹽田之海堤外即為北門潟湖。 |
北門遊客中心 電話: 06-7861017 地址: Tainan市北門區北門里200號 Directions部觀光局雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處 電話: 06-7861000 地址: Tainan市北門區北門里舊埕119號 |
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Birding Hotspot
Qigu Lagoon |
Water Birds |
Tainan市七股區三股里 | ||
22 km to the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area 85 km to the Alishan Visitor Information Center |
N23°08'40.3" , E120°04'37.4" Qigu Lagoon N23°8'56.1'', E120°3'43.7'' Exhibit Hall of the Black-faced Spoonbill |
General description
The landscape of Qigu Lagoon, which is also named Naihaize (inner sea) by the local fishermen, was formed by four alternations of the Zengwun River. The total area is 1,600 hectares with boundary east to Qigu Salt Plant, west to Wandzihliao Shoal (sandbanks), south to levee by fish ponds of new form land, and north to the southwest cruise route of the Chinshan Port. There are four sandbanks; named Cingshangang Shoal, Wandzihliao Shoal, Dingtoue Shoal, and Shinfulun Shoal. The ecological resources are abundant. There are more than 30 species of crabs and more than 200 species of fishes, shrimps, and clams. The local population (> 20,000) relies on the natural resources for living. The estuary of the rivers furnishes mangrove ecosystems and aquaculture resources, such as clams, oysters, crabs, and fishes. Diversity and integrity of ecological systems are the most precious treasure. The landscape of stationary fishnets and oyster posts characterize the lagoons. |
Birding Highlights
Endangered Black-faced Spoonbill, breeding Black-winged Stilt, Eurasian Spoonbill, Sparrow Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Eurasian Kestrel, Short-eared Owl, Caspian Tern, Black-naped Tern, Saunders’ Gull, White-winged Tern, Cormorant, Purple Heron, Great Egret, Chinese Egret, Common Greenshank, Dunlin, Golden Plover, Kentish Plover, Pied Avocet, Red-throated Pipit, Scaly Thrush, and Gray Treepie. | ||
Birding season
Year round, best from October to April. | ||
National Freeway No.1: exit at Madou Interchange, take County Highway 176, turn South 34-1, drive pass Qigu Salt Mountain, then arrive Guanhailou. | ||
Road information: 0800-652007 |
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Birding Hotspot
Sihcao Wetland |
Water Birds |
Annan District, Tainan City | ||
30 km to the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area 80 km to the Alishan Visitor Information Center |
N 23°02'59" , E 120°07'56" Sihcao Wetlands N23°1'46.2'' , E120°8'16.4'' Sihcao Wildlife Refuge |
General description
Sihcao Wetland is located among the estuary areas of the Zengwun River, Luermen River, Yanshuei River and Jianan dazun. On the southwestern site of the Provincial Highway 17, the wetlands are separated into three parts by the Technological Industry Park of Tainan City: the Black-winged Stilt breeding area, Beishanwei waterbird preserve, and Zufargun waterbird preserve respectively. The wetlands were originally Beishanwei and Nanshan at southern end of Taijiang Lagoon three hundred years ago. A storm brought heavy rain flooded this area, the Zengwun River changed its course, and large amount of sediment deposition created new land which separated the lagoon into three parts, Kunshen Lake, Sihcao Lake and Cigu Lagoon. Mangrove forest, Fiddler Crab, Mudskipper, and Tilapia are major species in the Sihcao Wetland. There were originally six types of mangroves in Taiwan. Four types of mangrove currently exist in Taiwan. Three of them grow here. Black Mangrove, Rhizophora stylosa Griff and Lumnitzera racemosa Willd, no Kandelia Candel. A pure Lumnitzera racemosa Willd forest is located at the water channel at east side of the Sihcao Dajhong Temple. |
Birding Highlights
Black-faced Spoonbill, Oriental Stork, Black Stork, Eurasian Spoonbill, Chinese Egret, Nordmann's Greenshank, Peregrine Falcon, Barn Owl, Least Tern, Great Crested Tern, Eastern Spot-billed Duck (花嘴鴨), Sparrow Hawk, Chinese Goshawk, Gray-faced Buzzard, Crested Goshawk, Harrier, Osprey, Eurasian Kestrel, Short-eared Owl, Asian Dowitcher, Oriental Pratincole, Brown Shrike, Kentish Plover, and Black-winged Stilt. | ||
Birding season
Year round, best from October to April. | ||
Road information: TEL +886-0800-652007 |
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Birding Hotspot
Chung Hsing University Xinhua Timberland (National Botanical Garden of Xinhua) |
Forest Birds |
No.76, Koupi, Xinhua Dist., Tainan City 36 km from Beimen, Beimen Dist., Tainan City |
N23°1'37.50" / E120°21'9.00" | ||
General description
The Xinhua Timberland is located at the southeastern part of the Xinhua Dist. The foothills terrain is up to 200’s meter elevation. Founded in 1920, in Japanese colonizing period, the 370 hactares garden contains a three-hectare pond. It is now an experimental forest managed by the National Chung Hsing University for demonstration. This low elevation subtropical forest contains the largest area of mahogany forest in Taiwan. Various specimen trees are precious for study and preservation. The garden provides an interface for publics understanding the importance of forest ecosystem and is suitable for environmental education. |
Birding Highlights
Crested Goshawk, Oriental Honey-buzzard, Serpent Eagle, Maroon Oriole, Black-naped Blue Monarch, Taiwan Barbet, Gray-cheeked Fulvetta, Black-necklaced Scimitar-Babbler, Taiwan Scimitar-Babbler, Gray-capped Woodpecker, White-bellied Pigeon, Collared Finchbill. <Link1><Link2><Link3> |
Birding season
Year round. | ||
Drive a car:
ShiNan bus route 7612 (Tainan, Xinhua, Ganglin) From Tainan station, Tainan east station, and Xinhua station. Get off at stop Chung Hsing University Xinhua Timberland (near Koupi Elementary School), walk back at the section by the Koupi Elementary School, turn right and keep walking for 400 meters, reach entrance. ShiNan Bus ( Tainan station (+886-6-2223142 ;+886-6-2206382)/ Xinhua station (+886-6-5902088) |
Information for road condition: +886-5-2754178 |
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Birding Hotspot
關子嶺 |
Forest Birds |
Tainan市白河區東側,Distance雲嘉南濱海國家風景區管理處約38公里 | ||
N23°19'30.84"/E120°28'51.09" (碧雲寺/Tainan市白河區仙草里火山路1號) N23°19'20.04"/E120°29'3.66" (水火同源) N23°19'52.84"/E120°30'29.12" (關嶺國小/南邊即是大凍山登山口 地址:Tainan市白河區關嶺里28號) |
General description
關仔嶺位於Tainan市白河區東側,為寬闊之河階與丘陵地形,是處以溫泉著稱的風景區,屬弱鹼碳酸氫鈉之泥質溫泉。此外,特殊的景觀就是水火同源(水火洞),是因崖壁之特殊構造,從其縫隙逸出天然氣,點燃後成為永不滅之火燄,同時又因有泉水的湧出等因素所形成之。 關仔嶺的東南邊,則是Tainan市的最高峰大凍山,高約1240公尺,沿途為闊葉林林相,林務局規劃為區域級步道,全長6公里,行走其間可欣賞野生動物身影鳴聲,還能親身體驗森林生態情境。一路上亦可眺望白河水庫等多座水庫外,於山頂處甚可遠眺嘉南平原與阿里山山脈等景觀。 |
Birding Highlights
黑冠麻鷺、麻鷺、臺灣紫嘯鶇、五色鳥(臺灣擬啄木)、竹雞、斑頸鳩、紅鳩、中杜鵑、小雨燕、家燕、赤腰燕、洋燕、灰喉山椒鳥、大卷尾、樹鵲、頭烏線、繡眼畫眉、小彎嘴、山紅頭、紅嘴黑鵯、白頭翁、黑枕藍鶲、白鶺鴒、綠啄木、小卷尾、小彎嘴、棕面鶯、斑紋鷦鶯、白腰文鳥 | ||
Birding season
無時間限制、全年皆可 | ||
開 車: 1.於國道三號白河交流道下,接行172縣道,續東行172縣道,至仙草埔右轉172乙縣道,續行會經過大先寺、碧雲寺以及水火同源等處,即可抵達關嶺國小。 2.於白河區市區前往者,循康樂路或富民路,接行172縣道之後,續東行至仙草埔,右轉172乙縣道,續行會經過大先寺、碧雲寺以及水火同源等處,即可抵達關嶺國小。 公 車: 1.於Chiayi市搭乘Chiayi客運 7214 (Chiayi—關子嶺) 2.於新營區或白河區搭乘新營客運7404 (新營—關子嶺) Chiayi客運 電話: 05-2750895 地址: Chiayi縣Chiayi市中山路503號 新營客運 電話: 06-6331100 地址:Tainan市新營區開元路144號 |
公路局五區雲嘉南區路況查詢:05-2754178 |
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Birding Hotspot
Fuyou Temple |
Forest Birds |
Nan-Shi, Chin-San Village, Dongshan Dist., Tainan. TEL: +886-6-6861502 | ||
49 km from Southwest Coast National Scenic Area, (Add:119 Jioucheng, Beimen Village, Beimen District, Tainan City) 36 Km from Alishan Visitor Information Center, (Add: No. 2-5 Shizilu, Yiren, Zhongpu Township, Chiayi County (Wu-Fong Park)) |
N 23°16'3.4" ; E120°30'4.8" (Fuyou Temple) N 23°15'57.23" ; E120°30'16.31" (Kan-Tou Mountain) |
General description
Fuyou Temple (Xiangong Temple) is located the foothills of Kantou Mountain, 782 meters elevation. The god is the Lu Dongbin, leader of the eight immortals. It was said that Lu came to this place to help people and therefore attracts people to come to worship and self-purification. The large-sized temple plaza is a great prospect point. In a cloudless day, visitors can watch Zhentou Mountain at the north, Chia-Nan Plain at the west, Coral Lake at the south. It is presently the host place for the Dongshan coffee festival (Oct-Nov). The trailhead of Kantou Peak is nearby. This popular 3.2 km trail leads to the 844m Kantou Mountain, which is a south elongation of the Dadong Mountain. The vegetation is low elevation broad-leaf forest. Hikers can enjoy the scenes of forests, mountain villages, and Chia-Nan plain. |
Birding Highlights
Serpent Eagle, Crested Goshawk, Ashy Wood-Pigeon, Gray-capped Woodpecker, Striated Prinia, Maroon Oriole, Black-capped Oriole, Himalayan Cuckoo, Gray-chinned Minivet, Island Thrush, Swinhoe’s Pheasant, Malayan Nigh-Heron, Gray-cheeked Fulvetta, Black-necklaced Scimitar-Babbler, Taiwan Scimitar-Babbler, Plain Flowerpecker, Russet Sparrow, White-bellied Pigeon, and etc. Mountain Scops-owl can be heard over night. | ||
Birding season
Year round | ||
Road information: Tel: +886-5-2754187 |
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Birding Hotspot
曾文水庫風景區 |
Forest Birds |
N23 72.771 / E120 29.842 | ||
General description
曾文水庫是臺灣最大的水庫,位於Chiayi縣大埔鄉與Tainan市楠西區交界的柳藤潭峽谷,也為嘉南平原最重要的水利設施,總容量達7億立方公尺,為臺灣地區容量最大之水庫,湖面面積達17平方公里。 周邊風景點有:曾文好漢坡登山健行步道、東口野營遊憩區、溪畔遊樂區、鳥宮花園與曾文之眼、大壩景觀、Chiayi農場、環湖步道、觀景涼亭、參觀台等等,除了可登山健行,享受森林浴的樂趣外,也可進行野營、賞鳥、垂釣等活動。 賞鳥情報:於台3線350.5公里處轉往嘉147線 (長枝坑溪)沿路鳥況甚佳。 |
Birding Highlights
白腰文鳥、斑文鳥、綠繡眼、白頭翁、紅嘴黑鵯、白環鸚嘴鵯、紅鳩、珠頸斑鳩、綠鳩、金背鳩、樹鵲、灰鶺鴒、臺灣藍鵲、巨嘴鴉、褐頭鷦鶯、灰頭鷦鶯、棕扇尾鶯、赤腰燕、五色鳥、鳳頭蒼鷹、魚鷹、大冠鷲…等。 | ||
Birding season
無時間限制、全年皆可 | ||
曾文水庫管理中心遊客諮詢服務電話 電話: 05-2753251 地址: Tainan市楠西區密枝里70號 西拉雅國家風景區管理處 電話: 0800-580762 地址: Tainan巿白河區仙草里仙草1-1號 |